It’s not St. Patrick’s Day until Mister Mxyzptik stirs up trouble for the players of DC Universe Online. Luckily this annual tradition in the superhero...
Have you ever been sitting at your desk wishing you had room for an air purifier alongside all of your computer gear? No? Me neither, but those who have serious hay fever or similar allergies to airborne allergens likely already have such a setup. In case you fall into that category and haven’t arranged for an air filter next to your workspace,
Justin and Bree discuss the LOTRO transfer mess, the return of APB Reloaded and Fallen Earth, Throne and Liberty's Wilds of Talandre, Guild Wars 2's...
Console Captains, it’s finally your moment in Star Trek Online, as the Unveiled season is officially live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series...
The game industry continues to integrate artificial intelligence into the game development process. Some of the biggest players, such as EA and Microsoft, have demoed some of the tools being worked on internally that the companies hope to use in the future. Now, it seems another gaming giant, Sony, is also developing a prototype tool for creating