Uncharted Waters Online recently took to twitter to announce their first official trailer. Despite several trailers being made available for Uncharted Waters Online over the...
It is well established that facial recognition based on machine learning is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination; therefore, using it for security purposes is likely a bad idea. This has now been proven through research from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, which showed that digital and real makeup could trick facial recognition
The astutely named PrintNightmare family of issues affecting many Windows devices is not going away for Microsoft, it seems. Though there have been numerous patches and updates, not all have been fixes for the print spooler issues. This is the case once more following this month’s Patch Tuesday update, which has been confirmed to break network
With the global chip shortage putting the entire consumer electronics and PC industry on edge, tech companies are looking for additional ways to get more product into the hands of consumers. One sector that has faced incredible demand and lagging supply for the past year is PC GPUs, but NVIDIA is switching gears to supply its entry-level GeForce