Saga of Lucimia Embers Adrift developer Stormhaven Studios has released a statement from Executive Producer John Gust, notifying potential players that the team is headed...
Superheroes and other comic book figures might initially seem at odds with Fallout 76’s post-nuclear wasteland, but fans of the series know that there’s a...
The original Nintendo Game Boy and its follow-up Game Boy Color weren’t the first portable video games. However, they were incredibly successful and spawned many successful franchises, like Pokemon and Super Mario Land. For millions of Gen X and Millennial gamers, it was their first exposure to the wonders of video games. Soon, if rumors pan
One thing that I deeply admired about old Sony Online Entertainment was that it strove to experiment, innovate, and take risks. Sometimes those special projects...
The “duck test” states that if you see something and “it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” However, this same logic path cannot be applied to everything, such as USB cables which could contain more than meets the eye. In the past year, a security researcher and red-team hacker nicknamed