As development of Mortal Online 2 continues, Star Vault AB is committed to polishing the game, and delivering on their hopes to provide challenging encounters...
Summer is here and that means the Solstice of Heroes is just around the corner. Bungie just dropped a trailer and information about one of Destiny 2’s largest annual events. Here is everything you need to know about Destiny 2’s 2021 Solstice of Heroes.
Solstice of Heroes 2021 kicks off on July 6th and ends at weekly reset on August 3, 2021.
In what feels like a Déjà vu moment, the U.S. Navy has decided to ditch its electromagnetic railgun weapons system. Back in 2018, we reported on a Chinese warship spotted with its own railgun after the Navy scrapped the idea then. Now, the railgun has seemingly been tossed once more in favor of hypersonic missiles in a hyper-expensive game