One of the big mysteries of 2020 was the abrupt disappearance of the prolific, beloved, and incredibly helpful MMO guide maker Dulfy. After years of...
Quantum computing is a fascinating and continually developing field that may drive computers’ future and fundamentally change the world. While that is happening, people still need networks to communicate over the internet. As such, scientists with Fermilab and other research institutes have been applying quantum physics to networking and created
Solid state drives are the best way to breathe new life into an older PC or add extra storage to a new build to store games and data that needs to be read frequently, like a game library drive. NVMe drives typically top out at 2 TB and most motherboards only have one or two slots. When absolute throughput may not be as important as quick random
While not great as CPUs on their own, FPGAs can do a wonderful job accelerating specific tasks. Whether it’s accelerating acting as a fabric for wide-scale datacenter services boosting AI performance, an FPGA in the hands of a capable engineer can offload a wide variety of tasks from a CPU and speed processes along. Intel has talked a big