MassivelyOP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for best MMO rumor we want to be true. (If you’re wondering what the heck a...
CD Projekt Red (CDPR) is in hot water. The company has been working for the past 8 years on Cyberpunk 2077, only to release the game loaded with bugs, performance issues across all platforms, and graphics that were woefully inadequate on previous generation consoles. Besides drawing the ire of gamers who’ve had to put up with the shortcomings
When people drop some cash on a phone, they typically do not think they will need to upgrade anytime soon. Then, new features come along, battery performance drops, and other issues crop up, and it may be time to upgrade your device unless you are absolutely dedicated to it. T-Mobile may force the dedicated users’ hand, though, as they have
MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for the MMO (or Studio) with the Stormiest Future, which was awarded to Daybreak last...