Two years after fraud ruined his company, Chance Thomas is back. The Academy Award-winning composer (and composer of great portions of Lord of the Rings...
In May of this year, Apple patched a silent but deadly exploit that went after iPhones using specially crafted wireless payloads. This exploit is a simple memory corruption attack that allows any malicious person to do whatever they want to an iPhone: be it collecting data such as images and messages, or shutting down the device entirely.
At the end of October, Jesse Houston, CEO and Co-Founder of Phoenix Labs, announced the most extensive overhaul to Dauntless since 1.0 launched, Dauntless Reforged....
NVIDIA officially announced its GeForce RTX 3060 Ti yesterday, and we got a chance to take one for a spin around the track to see what kind performance it dishes out. Not surprisingly given what we’ve seen from previous Ampere releases, the GeForce RTX 3060 Ti delivers a solid gaming punch at a not-too-expensive price tag of $399.