Funcom’s Conan Chop Chop, originally introduced as a rogue-like ARPG back in 2019, wrecked our predictions for 2020 by not launching, and I’m holding a...
When people think ray tracing, typically they think of some pie in the sky idea with an incredibly powerful GPU inside an incredibly powerful computer. That does not have to be the case, however. Ben Carter, a freelance game developer and software engineer from Japan, made a device for the Super Nintendo (Famicom in Japan) to do ray tracing
For the most part, Final Fantasy XIV has put out increasingly fascinating storylines to chase, especially after the initial content of A Realm Reborn. The...
MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for Biggest MMO Disappointment of 2020, which was awarded jointly to the cancellation of Peria...
After first announcing its intentions last month, Google has made good on its promise to bring Stadia game streaming to iOS platforms (i.e. iPhone and iPad). However, because of restrictions that Apple has in placewith regards to game streaming apps in the App Store, Google’s solution is more of a workaround.