NetEase is once again expanding, with a new Los Angeles-based studio, BulletFarm. The remote-first AAA studio is led by David Vonderhaar, who is most known...
As the latest salvo in its seemingly never-ending war against emulation, the producer of the third-best-selling video game console of all time, Nintendo, has filed a lawsuit against the creators of the Yuzu emulator for Nintendo Switch. The suit, filed in Rhode Island, alleges that Yuzu developers Tropic Haze are liable for “facilitating piracy
Tower of Fantasy players may already have met Yanuo, the new simulacrum that was the headline of last week’s update, but that isn’t stopping Tencent’s...
Privacy is a hot-button issue for individuals and the enterprise, which has lead to some clever innovations, such as self-destructing USB drives, among other devices. To that end, the Biden administration is looking to address data privacy with a new executive order with a goal to “protect Americans’ sensitive personal data from exploitation
Funcom launches a Dune: Awakening Direct series starting next week, featuring the survival MMO's first trailer and a new featurette on adapting Dune to film...
Today is the day when MOP’s Chris makes another initial sojourn in a new-to-him game! That’s right, the fully released Last Epoch stands before him,...