Starting today and running through January 1st, ArcheAge players can take part in an event that coincides with its latest landrush push. Go to Source...
Have you built a current-generation system yet, loyal HotHardware reader? If not, one of our first guesses as to why could be the high price of motherboards. While AMD has its budget B650 chipset out and the cheapest boards are in the $150 USD range (loosely), Intel’s 700-series platform is currently limited to the Z790 chipset, and as a result,
A location named Pine Peaks can probably be easily envisioned. One can likely expect pine trees, for example, or perhaps mountain peaks if not really...
Over the past few years, more and more people have taken to online communication methods like Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, and more. None have become more ubiquitous in gaming and hardware than Discord. Developers, manufacturers, professional teams, and just groups of friends have been using it more and more every day. You can even run it
Justin and Bree tackle mailbag topics including Amazon's Blue Protocol publishing deal, bad habits picked up from MMOs, MMO NPCs, wasted zones, character conceptualization, Hero...