We are just days away from Intel unveiling its high powered Tiger Lake-H stack, which will offer more cores and threads than its existing Tiger Lake-H35 lineup. Intel’s hardware partners are evidentially excited about the big day. ASUS, for example, continues to tease a new Zephyrus laptop built around the upcoming CPUs, and an HP ZBook Studio
Get out your scrollin’ finger, because it’s time to consume another Camelot Unchained monthly newsletter! This month, City State highlighted work that’s being done on...
Do you feel that breeze? It is a shift in the winds of gaming, spurred by Microsoft’s decision to join Epic Games in allowing developers to keep a bigger share of revenue. Following last week’s announcement that Microsoft is going to slash its cut of PC game sales to just 12 percent (down from 30 percent), court documents in the Epic Games
Balancing advanced features with a simple-to-use interface, the FlashForge Adventurer 3 Lite is a strong contender for teachers or students looking for a reliable and capable 3D printer.
Last week’s community challenge to represent music from MMOs in picture format was picked up in a variety of interesting ways, including this one of...